News Release

Alberta Liberal MPs should be “amazing” on home heating relief too

Kris Sims Nov 03, 2023 | Alberta
  • Smith and Notley both say to cancel carbon tax on all heating fuels
  • Saskatchewan Legislature passes unanimous motion against carbon tax


LETHBRIDGE, AB: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is calling on Alberta’s two Liberal Members of Parliament to vote to cancel the federal carbon tax on all home heating fuels.

“Why isn’t Calgary Skyview MP George Chahal speaking up and demanding carbon tax relief for his constituents this winter?” asked Kris Sims, CTF Alberta Director. “Trudeau’s carbon tax on natural gas is going to cost Calgary households more than $300 this winter, Alberta’s Liberal MPs need to vote to give them a break.”

MPs will vote on Monday to decide whether to suspend the carbon tax on all heating fuels in Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently announced he would cancel the carbon tax on furnace oil for the next three years. He is not extending the same relief to other heating fuels.

Furnace oil is a heavier fuel that is typically stored in outdoor tanks and piped into home furnaces. The carbon tax on furnace oil costs 17 cents per litre. The carbon tax increases the cost of filling a furnace oil tank by about $170.

About three per cent of homes in Canada rely on furnace oil for winter warmth and it’s Atlantic Canada that relies on it the most.

In Alberta, more than 80 per cent of homes rely on natural gas for home heating. The carbon tax on heating will cost those households about $300 this winter. Over the next three years, home heating will carry a carbon tax cost of about $1,100 for Albertans.

Premier Danielle Smith and Alberta NDP Leader Rachel Notley have both stated that the carbon tax break should be applied to all home heating fuels. Saskatchewan’s legislature passed a unanimous motion to demand the same from Ottawa.

“Both Chahal and Edmonton MP Randy Boissonnault need to find the courage to stand up for their constituents and vote to give Albertans the same carbon tax breaks on home heating that other Canadians are getting,” said Sims. “Trudeau praised his Atlantic Liberal MPs for being ‘amazing’ when they demanded home heating relief for their constituents.

“It’s time for our two Alberta Liberals to be super duper amazing and vote to take the carbon tax off home heating bills for their constituents.”
